How can that be? 35 years ago, yesterday (14th September), I spent a considerable number of hours in labour while my daughter made her appearance. She took her time about it, because I had felt the first stirrings the night before while her father, Reg, and our friend and boarder Lance, and I played one of our usual games of
Canasta. On Tuesday 14th I had an appointment with my doctor - Dr Roger Johnson, a GP, but also a gynacologist and obstetrician - who greeted me with "Are you still here?" because he'd been away on leave for nearly a month (I think) and had expected I would have long been delivered of my bundle. (As it was, I was technically 6 weeks overdue by this time.) On examining me he decided that I had been in labour, but things had come to a halt so he was going to admit me to the Dandenong Hospital later that afternoon. (The hospital looked a little different in those days.)

Once admitted I was prepped and put to bed. I slept for a while, and was then given a sleeping draft because nothing was happening, and I was to be induced in the morning. But about 2 a.m. I woke because I had gone into active labour again. When nothing remarkable had happened by the morning Dr. Johnston still induced me and everyone was telling me I'd have my baby by lunch time. Well, she finally made her appearance at about 8 p.m. that night! She was late arriving, and has been known to be late ever since!
I can still remember as if it was yesterday the moment she slipped from me! It was a wonderous moment - although it also resulted in a number of stitches. These were apparently so finely done that the nurses had to show each other what a good job had been done by my doctor! I felt like a specimen in the zoo.
I spent a week in hospital, as was common practice in those days, and was facing another week because I was anaemic. The alternative was to have a daily iron injection for a week. That was what I chose as my Mum was coming down to spend the first week at home with us.
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